

1. Sangat susah untuk tidur pada waktu malam, sekalipun dapat tidur ia mengambil masa yang lama.
2. Rasa cemas dan sering terjaga pada waktu malam
3. Mimpi buruk atau mimpi melihat sesuatu yang menakutkan serta memekik untuk meminta pertolongan tetapi tidak sanggup.
4. Mimpi melihat sesuatu yang amat menyeramkan
5. Mimpi melihat binatang seperti ular, kucing, anjng, unta, singa, serigala, dan tikus.
6. Gigi geraham berbunyi pada waktu malam.
7. Perasaan sedih ketika tidur.
8. Berdiri serta berjalan ketika tidur tanpa sedar.
9. Mimpi jatuh dari tempat yang tinggi.
10. Mimpi berada di dalam kubur, tempat pembuangan sampah atau tempat yang mengerikan.
11. Mimpi melihat seseorang yang sangat aneh, seperti sangat tinggi atau sangat pendek.
12. Mimpi melihat hantu.


1. Kepala selalu pening yang bukan disebabkan oleh penyakit, sakit pada dua mata, telinga, hidung, gigi, tekak atau perut.
2. Selalu lupa perkara ibadah seperti solat, zikir dan lain-lain.
3. Fikiran selalu terganggu atau bercelaru.
4. Selalu lesu dan malas yang bukan disebabkan tabiat.
5. Saraf yang tersumbat.
6. Sakit pada anggota badan yang tidak ada kaitan dengan penyakit zahir atau Hospital tidak dapat mengetahui masalahnya atau tidak sanggup mengubatnya.

this is me

i alwayz been the kind of girl
that hid my face
so afraid 2 tell the world,what i’ve got to say
but i have this dream bright inside of me
im gonna let it show
to let you know…

just for laugh

Tijah budak kampung, tapi bekerja di Kuala Lumpur .Biasalah bila sudah duduk “town”, mula lupa asal usul. Pakaian seksi maut, bercinta pula dgn lelaki mat saleh. Ke hulu ke hilir menayang boyfriendnya yg bermata biru.

Punyalah eksyen si Tijah, hinggalah suatu hari dia ternampak lelaki Inggeris tadi dgn wanita lain yg lebih cantik dan bergaya daripadanya.Tijah menangis tiga hari tiga malam. Pada malam ke empat, Tijah mengambil sehelai kertas dan menulis surat untuk memutuskan perhubungannya dgn lelaki mat saleh tadi yg baru sebulan dikenalinya.

Dear Mike….


I have think about this very cook-cook.
I know I clap one hand only.
Correctly, I have seen you and she walk-walk together at town with eyes myself.
You grab hand she.

You always ask for apology back-back.
I don’t trust you again !
You are really crocodile land.

My friend speak you play wood three.
First-first I think my friend lie me.
But now I know you correct-correct play wood three.

So, I break connection to pull my body from this love triangle.
I know his result I pick is very correct, because you love she very high from me.

So, I cut this connection to go far from here.
I don’t want you to play-play with my liver.

I have been crying until no more eye water thinking about you.
I don’t want banana to fruit two times.

Safe walk..
Tijah .

dearest friends…

sometimes when u see people everyday you forget to tell them how much they mean to you.so for the record, i love you all my dearest friends…and i wana thank u all for making me the better person.

trust me,I MEAN IT.

handful of MultiGrain Cheerios or Kashi Heart to Heart offers folic acid, which can help fend off the blues. Those with low levels of the nutrient experience more symptoms of depression.

Those with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids, found in several kinds of fish, were happier than those with lower levels.Certain fish also pack B12, a known mood booster, which wards off the doldrums by stimulating the brain’s production of serotonin, helping you relax. Aim to eat two servings of low-mercury fish (like catfish, cod, crab, flounder and halibut) weekly for more smiles.Research also shows that eating fish regularly improves insulin insensitivity, which helps build muscle and decrease belly fat.

Feel sunnier by adding a bit of yellow. Egg yolks contain choline, a mood enhancer. Being low on this nutrient could lead to feeling anxious.Yolks act as a multivitamin, delivering vitamins A and D, as well as folate and calcium

Sweeten your mood by indulging your chocolate urges. Half of depressed people reported craving chocolate, and most of them felt soothed after indulging.Since chomping too much chocolate sends you into a sugar coma, munch just 1 ounce and savor every bite!

Frequent the produce aisle! People who ate the most fruits and veggies were least likely to feel depressed.Munching the recommended 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of veggies a day reduces your calorie intake and bolsters your immunity. The darker and more colorful, the better! The shades in fruits and vegetables come from phytonutrients, which protect different organs. For example, lutein in greens protects your eyes, while lycopene-packed red tomatoes shield your heart. Color yourself healthy!

aku busy?

sudah mula bz…semakin bz..sudah ada smthg 2 keep me bz,xcukup tdo,pnat n nk ngamuk bila2 ada ms (perggh!!)
bkn kah ini yg aku nk seblm ni?hmm..manusia,bila xde,nk sgt..bila dh dpt,xsuka plk…that’s y kita perlu menghargai ms lapang sebelum sempit…
well that’s how life’s work..sabar lah hati… (+_+)

sakit :[

aku sakit…aku dgr org kata klu sakit,tandanya Dia sayangkan kita.Dia bg kita sakit supaya kita lebih menghargai nikmat kesihatan yg Dia bg kt kita..xpala..aku bersyukur kerana masih bernafas,mencari peluang membaiki diri…