
Archive for the ‘Health,Beauty & Tips’ Category

handful of MultiGrain Cheerios or Kashi Heart to Heart offers folic acid, which can help fend off the blues. Those with low levels of the nutrient experience more symptoms of depression.

Those with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids, found in several kinds of fish, were happier than those with lower levels.Certain fish also pack B12, a known mood booster, which wards off the doldrums by stimulating the brain’s production of serotonin, helping you relax. Aim to eat two servings of low-mercury fish (like catfish, cod, crab, flounder and halibut) weekly for more smiles.Research also shows that eating fish regularly improves insulin insensitivity, which helps build muscle and decrease belly fat.

Feel sunnier by adding a bit of yellow. Egg yolks contain choline, a mood enhancer. Being low on this nutrient could lead to feeling anxious.Yolks act as a multivitamin, delivering vitamins A and D, as well as folate and calcium

Sweeten your mood by indulging your chocolate urges. Half of depressed people reported craving chocolate, and most of them felt soothed after indulging.Since chomping too much chocolate sends you into a sugar coma, munch just 1 ounce and savor every bite!

Frequent the produce aisle! People who ate the most fruits and veggies were least likely to feel depressed.Munching the recommended 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of veggies a day reduces your calorie intake and bolsters your immunity. The darker and more colorful, the better! The shades in fruits and vegetables come from phytonutrients, which protect different organs. For example, lutein in greens protects your eyes, while lycopene-packed red tomatoes shield your heart. Color yourself healthy!

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7. Campurkan sedikit sodium bikarbonat dengan jus lemon dan sapukan terus di bahagian bawah tangan atau ketiak.

8. Minyak pohon teh adalah bahan antibakteria yang sangat berkesan. Campurkan dua titisan minyak esen itu ke dalam 0.02 liter air.

9. Dalam bekas berisi 30 milimeter air, masukkan 10 titisan minyak esen. Ia kemudian boleh disapu di bahagian ketiak.

10. Basahkan kapas dengan cuka putih dan lap ketiak. Ia boleh menghilangkan bau badan terutama di bahagian ketiak dalam masa beberapa minit.

11. Minum segelas teh sage setiap hari dan ia akan mengurangkan aktiviti pengeluaran peluh yang berlebihan daripada semua bahagian badan.

12. Salah satu cadangan lain yang mungkin boleh diamalkan ialah mandi dengan kerap iaitu sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali dalam sehari.

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1. Makan 500 miligram rumput gandum dalam keadaan perut kosong dengan segelas air. Kandungan bahan klorofil membantu mengurangkan bau badan sekali gus bertindak sebagai rawatan semula jadi.

2. Sapukan sodium bikarbonat di bahagian ketiak dan tapak kaki kerana ia turut mempunyai keberkesanan tertentu.

3 Gunakan alkohol (bagi individu yang bukan beragama Islam) atau cuka putih untuk mencuci bahagian ketiak.

4. Masukkan beberapa titisan air mawar ke dalam bekas air mandi. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan deodoran selepas mandi.

5. Kisar buah tomato segar dengan daun teh sage. Sapukan dan biarkan bahan itu di bahagian ketiak selama 10 minit sebelum mandi.

6. Perahkan dua dozen jus lobak putih yang dicampur dengan ¼ sudu gliserin. Masukkan cecair itu ke dalam botol penyembur untuk dijadikan deodoran harian. Jus lobak itu boleh menghilangkan bau badan sehingga 10 jam.

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Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. Makan daging
2. Memakai haruman
3. Kerap mandi
4. Berpakaian dari kapas

Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. Banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. Selalu cemas
3. Banyak minum air ketika makan
4. Banyak makan bahan yang masam

Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. Duduk mengadap kiblat
2. Bercelak sebelum tidur
3. Memandang yang hijau
4. Berpakaian bersih

Empat perkara merosakan mata
1.   Memandang najis
2.  Melihat orang dibunuh
3.  Melihat kemaluan
4.  Membelakangi kiblat

Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1.  Tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. Rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. Bercakap dengan orang soleh
4.  Bergaul dengan para ulama

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Dear All,

As this kind of virus is droplet spread , the surgical mask is an essential protective barrier for this outbreak. As a result, the surgical mask became in short supply. Therefore, everyone should know the corrective way of use to create the utmost efficacy. However, there are several questions about wearing surgical mask such as: There are 2 sides of surgical mask and the white color side contains filter. The corrective ways of use are:

– If you have flu , the white side should attach to our face (the color side faces out) to filter the micro-organism not to spread them out to others

– If you are not ill , the white side should face out to protect micro-organism from environment to come to contact with us

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31st May is World No Tobacco Day

31st May is World No Tobacco Day

Mungkin ramai dikalangan kita yang tidak menyedari akan kewujudan hari Tanpa Tebakau a.k.a tanpa rokok nie..maka aku nk kabar-kabarkan kpd smua yg 31 Mei adalah hari tanpa tembakau.Semoga bumi akan menjadi lebih baik apabila smokers xkira heavy or passive smokers nie berenti merokok..mulakan skrg!!


**am sorry sbb xbnyk info yg dpt aku tulis….tgh ‘terkejarkan’ sesuatu..ada ms nnti aku tambah lg info berkaitan..apapun,terima kasih krn singgah di blog aku nie *smile*

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nie info yg aku bc dr internet..kpd yg dh mencuba berbagai cara tp masih bleum berkesan,mungkin boleh mencuba


1) Problem: You have too much fat all over.

Interval training is the most effective way to exercise. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that women who put in 20 minutes on a stationary bike three times a week—but alternated 8-second bursts of speedy pedaling with 12-second rest periods— trimmed more from their midsections over 15 weeks than those who cycled at a slower, but steady, pace for 40 minutes. Researchers believe that interval training triggers the body to release adrenaline, a hormone that tells the body to burn stored fat—which is often found in the stomach area.


2) Problem: You’re eating the wrong food

Without the right diet, even the most rigorous cardio regimen is useless.Tere are tricks that help;-drinking coffee—when part of a weight-loss diet—may also trim the stomach slightly, and the caffeine may speed up the metabolism. Roberts suggests one to three cups of coffee a day.

What to avoid? White, starchy carbohydrates top the list. People who chose white bread over whole grains gained about half an inch around the middle every year, according to a study from the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University.

3) Problem: You’re doing the wrong moves

 Pilates moves are powerful ab sculptors.The Pilates exercises were all more effective on the abs than crunches were. Crunches can still be one part of your routine, but doing them ad nauseam is an exercise in futility. Two to five sets of 15 to 20 reps are plenty.


4) Problem: Your genes aren’t solely to blame

 Fat distribution is at least 30 percent—maybe as much as 60 percent—determined by genetics. But biology isn’t necessarily destiny. Though scientists have identified specific genes that affect the propensity to store fat around the middle or in the hips and thighs, any gene pool can be overcome.


5) Problem: You only use your abdominal muscles rarely
Whether you’re on the treadmill or doing push-ups, your navel should feel like it’s being pulled toward your spine as your ribs drop slightly toward your pelvis. “Breathing deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth, is the best way to keep your core muscles contracted and engaged in any workout

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